Cards of Void Alpha 0.0.1


Yesterday was the latest presentation of the game. We think that we are making progress and to prove that to you we are giving you a very early version of the game. You can download and try it and we would be very happy for any kind of feedback.


Mostly the game explains itself.
WASD movement (but you can also press the right mouse button)
1,2,3,4,5 on the keyboard to prepare a card, left mouse button to unleash it (the player character glows when ready)
If your deck ist empty press space to shuffle and refill it, but that costs half your mana and health!

There is only one boss in the game at the moment. You can get to him if you find the door. After finishing him you start again at the deck creation and you can try another build.

We are only at the beginning of the development. The Alpha is only a demonstration of the raw gameplay. In future builds there will be more cards that are more balanced with each other and the environment, different dungeons, enemies and also a story which will explain everything behind the Cards of Void!