The idea of synergy part1

(This is gonna be in english, because I’m awesome and timo doesn’t like our global audiance )

I’ve been thinking about synergy in our game alot and I came to the conclusion, that I want the combination of cards to be more than just “Which cards are going to deal the most dmg in this dungeon?. The combination of different cards should be a natural process and players not attempting to use synergizing decks should be punished. However, players shouldn’t be forced to use a certain playstyle. So far we have only implemented debuffs for monster resistances (like chaos resistance) which is an obvious synergy (“direct synergy”), this means using a debuff for chaos resistance will make any chaos spell you use more effective. Now I want to create cards that work together without being obvious about it. The player should be like “hey that works great in combination and I love that kind of playstyle” and I think that is one of the hardest things to do when designing of our game.


Most cardgames offer groups of synergizing cards. In Hearthstone you have the Hunter with his beasts, in Yu- Gi Oh you have Zombies, in Duel of Champions you have Demons … I think thats a good way of doing synergy, but with our spell based game you don’t have to create specific groups of cards, but you can do cards that compliment as many cards as possible and suck with the rest. A card that gives you mana synergizes well with a card that cost alot of mana, but not so great with cards that cost little mana. So the player that mixes his deck with cards which give mana and low mana cost cards gets punished automatically, because his hand will be filled with useless (mana giving) cards. If he uses them, he will empty his deck faster. If he doesn’t, he has less damage potential in his hand.