Hi, I’m the guy making the music

Hey guys,

My name is Paul I’m 18 years old and the guy responsible for the music in Cards of Void. Currently I’m studying Media Studies in my first term at the University of Bayreuth.
I’ve been composing for about 3 Years now and recently started making chiptunes, so Timo asked me if I wanted to join his team. I’m a passionate TCG player and I’ve been wanting to make a game like this for a long time now, so I couldn’t really resist his offer.

As for the music. I make 8-Bit Chiptunes using the tracking software „Milky Tracker“ and since our game is going to have a rather dark aesthetic so I try to compose accordingly.
However, I’m still very new to making music for games so this also is an educational process for me. (So lets hope my tracks will get better over time ^^).

When composing a song/track (whatever you wanna call it) I generally start with a basic idea of how I want the song to feel and one element (the beat/bassline/harmonies or melody) and go from there. Other than that it’s basically alot of trial and error, since I don’t know how to handle the 8-Bit sound properly yet. (I’ve been tracking for about 2 months now).
If anyone of you guys wants to keep up with my work I’ll probably upload some here, or you can follow me on soundcloud @ https://soundcloud.com/cantina-project.

Also, here is a timelapse of me making a short track 🙂 It’s got a german voiceover though^^
(original length: 01:15:29)


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